The Last Chance Exam
Correction: we stated in this story that down syndrome (or trisomy 21) was caused by an additional gene in the patient’s DNA. Technically, the patient has an additional chromosome in their DNA, for a total of 47 instead of 46.
The book we referenced was Jérôme Lejeune: A Man of Science and Conscience by Aude Dugast.
Dr. Jérôme Lejeune was declared venerable by Pope Francis in 2021. He is now awaiting a miracle before beatification.
Pray for a cure to down syndrome and for an end to “chromosomal racism,” as Dr. Lejeune referred to it.
Dr. Jérôme Lejeune with photographs of chromosomes
An incredible interview with Dr. Lejeune. It’s worth listening to the whole thing.
Dr. Jérôme and Birthe Lejeune with Pope St. John Paul II
Pope St. John Paul II at Lejeune’s grave with the late doctor’s family in a private visit on Aug 22, 1997