Return to Sender
St. Francis Caraciollo, one of the founders of the Clerics Regular Minor, had political turmoil in his order, like many founders. The presence in leadership of those not fond of St. Francis and an overdone public display of devotion to the holy man before his beatification delayed his canonization by over a hundred years.
Most sources report that the disease that led young Ascanio (St. Francis) to his vocation was leprosy. However, it was actually a mysterious partial paralysis. Likewise, his ordination was not for a few years after founding the order, contrary to common report.
His defining virtues were his true humility and his incredible devotion to Our Lord in the Eucharist and to His Blessed Mother.
St. Francis Caraciollo in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Francis Caracciolo’s founder statue in St. Peter’s Basilica. Note the monstrance in his hand and the mitre at his feet. He is remembered for his devotion to the Eucharist and his insistence that the Clerics Regular Minor take a vow to never seek or accept any ecclesiastical title or honor (including becoming a bishop).
The book we referenced was Saint Francis Caracciolo: Founder of the Clerics Regular Minor/Adorno Fathers. This book appears to be out of print, so your best bet is probably inter-library loan.