The Empty Church

Fr. Paul Glynn’s book A Song for Nagasaki focuses on the life of radiologist and atomic bomb survivor Takashi Nagai, but it also covers the history of the Christians in Nagasaki. We cannot recommend this book enough.

Fr. Bernard Petitjean, who would go on to be the first Vicar Apostolic of Japan

Fr. Bernard Petitjean, who would go on to be the first Vicar Apostolic of Japan

The first Church of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki, where the women approached Fr. Bernard Petitjean

The first Church of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki, where the women approached Fr. Bernard Petitjean

Immaculate Conception Cathedral, or Urukami Cathedral, near the epicenter of the atomic bomb

Immaculate Conception Cathedral, or Urukami Cathedral, near the epicenter of the atomic bomb

After listening to this story, Fr. Toshio Sato, C.M., graciously shared with us some pictures from Nagasaki.

Statues of Mary used by the persecuted Christians.  They were designed to look like the Buddhist deity Kannon.

Statues of Mary used by the persecuted Christians. They were designed to look like the Buddhist deity Kannon.

A disguised image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A disguised image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Scissors which were used during the time of persecution in 17th century.  Look closely at the design.

Scissors which were used during the time of persecution in 17th century. Look closely at the design.

The statue of Mary Fr. Petitjean showed the hidden Christians at Ooura Tensyu Dou (大浦天主堂), or the Basilica of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki

The statue of Mary Fr. Petitjean showed the hidden Christians at Ooura Tensyu Dou (大浦天主堂), or the Basilica of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Nagasaki

Interior of the church. The statue of Mary is on the right side.

Interior of the church. The statue of Mary is on the right side.

Exterior of the church

Exterior of the church


A Piece of Home


The Stop Sign Traffic Stop